Schloss Neideck, Ohrdruf

Schloss Neideck, Ohrdruf

This morning I played at the service in St Trinitatis. After this and before leaving for Gotha I decided to take a quick look at the castle, Schloss Neideck. The first image shows what I saw as I approached the castle – in the background you can see the tower of...
Arriving in Ohrdruf

Arriving in Ohrdruf

Yesterday my bike and I took a train from Köln to Arnstadt because Ohrdruf doesn’t have a station. That meant cycling to Ohrdruf today in order to actually begin Bach’s Quest with the live stream tonight and onward journey tomorrow. So in a way it was a...
essential reading

essential reading

    Double Bach here! These two books were where I started my Bach’s Quest: Johann Sebastian Bach: The Learned Musician by Christoph Wolff, and Music in the Castle of Heaven by John Eliot Gardiner. I was particularly interested in Bach’s early years,...